Company Profile

Company Name
Cybernation Co., Ltd
3-23-3 Takadanobaba, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0075, Japan
TEL:+81-3-6908-7121  FAX:+81-3-5389-7576
June 2000
16 million yen
Company Representatives
Ishino Hideki 〔Global ICT Services Company〕
Nagao Mitsuyoshi 〔Solutions Company〕
Number of Employees
150 persons 〔As of June 2024〕
Corporate Organization
We have adopted a company system and operate in two companies.
Global ICT Service Company
Solution Company
Affiliated Organizations
  • The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    Blockchain Collaborative Consortium(BCCC)
  • Worker Dispatch Business License Number:派13-308939
  • Fee-charging employment agency license:13-ユ-316536
  • Privacy Mark:Certification Number 10824088


June 2000
Cybernation Co.,Ltd. is established, with the head office registered in Shibuya, Tokyo.
February 2008
Head office moved to 8th floor of the Takadanobaba OR Building, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, to accommodate the expansion of the business.
June 2013
Privacy Mark obtained (10824088).
October 2013
The Global ICT Services Division was established as a new business. The aim is to create opportunities for bilingual personnel, as well as to provide opportunities for talented foreigners and women from Japan and abroad
March 2016
Floor space is expanded to the 5th floor of the Head Office OR building in order to open a training centre for employees.
January 2018
Obtained license to carry out general dispatching of workers (派 13-308939).
November 2018
ISMS (Information Management System) approval obtained.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013  JIS Q 27001:2014  IS 699558
December 2021
First overseas order for global network support services from a major Japanese overseas telecommunications corporation (still being handled as an ongoing project).
August 2022
Head office functions are relocated from the 8th floor of the OR Building to an additional floor on the 4th floor of the same building. Also a new contract development centre is opened.
September 2022
Following the retirement of the founding president, the organisation was reformed by introducing an internal company system with the aim of revitalising the organisation and increasing productivity through the establishment of independence and autonomy of business units.
December 2022
Cybernation Inc. established CyberGroup Management Inc. through a capital transfer by establishing a holding company, whereby Cybernation Inc. came under the capital control of the holding company and restarted as an operating company.
April 2024
Licensed as a fee-charging employment agency to help solve Japan’s labour shortage problem.


In order to ensure that our customers feel secure and trust us, we have obtained the following certifications and ensure that our employees are thoroughly familiar with them.

Privacy Mark

The company fully recognises the importance of personal information and has established a Privacy Policy for the protection of personal information. Ensuring that all officers and employees are aware of it and strive to handle and manage personal information appropriately.

ISMS(Information Security Management System)

By recognising the appropriate protection and use of information assets as an important issue, the company has established and operates an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

Access Map

3-23-3 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0075, Japan