GICTS Company
Message from the President〔GICTS〕
The vision of the Global ICT Services Company is to ‘employ bilingual people, train them as ICT professionals and contribute to global businesses’. Bilingual in Japanese and English. English is recognised as a lingua franca and is an essential language for today’s globalisation. Although the number of Japanese people who can use English is still low, the majority of foreigners from Europe, Africa and Asia can use English, even if they are not fluent. What is the reason for this difference… Perhaps it is a difference in education. In particular, many foreigners in Japan speak English and Japanese quite well, and are also highly educated. We launched the Global ICT Service Company with the hope of training these talented people as ICT professionals and contributing to global businesses.
However, Japan is an island nation and has long been a closed society. Becaue of this customers do not easily accept the talented global workforce. This social barrier lies in the Japanese honourific language. Even if the meaning of the word is understood, it is often not understood as a way of speaking to customers, creating a barrier that prevents acceptance. In the ICT skills, those related to networks and servers, which are essential to the infrastructure of the internet society, can be studied as a target group. The ICT skills that can be learned include those related to networks and servers, which are essential to the infrastructure of the online society, as targets. In the online society, it is taken for granted that the internet is available, and if it is not, it will have a huge impact on society as a whole. That is why we maintain and operate the network so that it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Especially in our global society, we are connected to the rest of the world and conduct business day and night. This is where the Global ICT Service Company contributes.
There is also another barrier to embracing global talent. That is the company barrier. Many Japanese companies are set up for Japanese people. The majority are mono-ethnic, and the environment is not conducive to people of different races working in it. Therefore, we have adopted ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ as our corporate vision and have created an environment where we can accept and work with a diverse workforce from many different countries. We are able to provide individualised training in ICT as well as language training. In this way, we can ‘recognise, accept and utilise the diversity of our human resources’. Our motto is to give people of different genders, ages and nationalities the opportunity to work according to their individuality and abilities.
Our Business
The company offers detailed service, specialising in bilingual support and engineering technical skills.