My workpace is where you can balance work, family, and private life
GICTS Company
Bilingual IT Infrastructure Engineer
Joined the company in March 2022

What is your current work?

I am in charge of network maintenance for a major telecommunications company, working as a trouble receptionist in both Japanese and English. 24-hour support is available, so my shifts are a mix of day and night shifts, but basically all my work is done from home. Since shifts rotate between day and night shifts, there is not much overtime, and I think  it is easy to balance work and private life in my current workplace.

For example, I am able to pick up my children from their lessons right after work, and I can cook dinner and have dinner with my family at night. Also, before and after the night shift, I have free time during the day, so I can spend time for myself.

At my previous job, I had to come to work every day and work a lot of overtime, so I could hardly spend any time with my family, and because of the time constraints, I could not afford to allow my children to learn their lessons. However, thanks to my current environment, I am able to continue working while balancing work, family, and private life.

What makes my job fulfilling

At the incident inquiry desk, customer service  starts with negative situations such as circuit down or communication failure on the customer side. In addition, because we communicate with customers from overseas,  sometimes it is difficult to proceed smoothly, perhaps due to cultural differences. However, we feel happier when a customer’s issue is recovered because we start from a negative situation. In addition, when I receive words of appreciation from the customer, I feel glad that I did my best. In addition, since there are many Cybernation members in our team, I feel strongly that I am working as a team, and we are able to support each other while working.

What I want to be in the future?

Currently, my goal is to become a shift leader. The shift leader is a position that is responsible for one of the two shifts (day shift and night shift) per day, including managing cases,  handing over them to the next shift, and training new employees.

Since there are members on my team who were born and raised in various countries, it is sometimes difficult to communicate with them only in Japanese.

Therefore, when I become the shift leader, I would like to close the gap with non-native Japanese speakers, pay attention to every menber and lead our team so that we can work smoothly.

In addition,  I would like to get knowledge of networks and engage in more specialized work in the future, taking advantage of the fact that I can easily take time for myself at my current workplace.

Introduction of senior employees