We provide a range of training opportunities and an environment that encourages self-motivated personal learning. Every member sets their own development goals at the beginning of the year and ask the company for the support needed to achieve them.
This can be in the areas of IT, business skills and languages, of course, but also in anything that is beneficial to the development of the business and its operations.
In particular, we offer systematic programmes for IT and business skills.
We bring together people with diverse personalities, not only in terms of nationality and gender, but also encourage them to work hard while making the most of each other’s strengths. We have set up career paths and training for this purpose.

Technical and training centre

In May 2016, a new Technical Research and Training Centre was established on the 5th floor of the head office building. And in September 2022, a new Development Centre was established on the 8th floor of the head office building. Fingerprint authentication is needed for access to these centres, and any of our employees can freely enter and use them at any time. At each centre, employee training sessions are held, voluntary study groups are organised, workshops and self-study sessions are held. The centres are places where employees can learn on their own initiative and the centres also have a wide range of books for study, which can be read freely inside the centres and lent out.
Books are available for purchase based on employee requests, and we do everything we can to support employees in their efforts to improve their skills. In addition, we also offer skill improvement training at affiliated IT schools, subsidies for qualification studies and allowances for qualification acquisition, and online English conversation courses.
Technical Research and Training Centre
Development Centre

Content of training for new employees

Training for new recruits is provided monthly by a full-time instructor and covers the following topics:

Curriculum outline for new employee training

ICT basics, Linux basics, Linux practice on actual equipment
CCNA basics, CCNA practice, CCNA exam preparation
Business manner, online English conversation, online Japanese conversation
※The style of the training is not a one-way lecture by the instructor, but rather the participants learn on their own initiative. Instructors support employee learning. By doing so, employees develop the ability to think independently.

Employee workshops

After work, senior employees hold study sessions one to three times a month. Instead of just accepting the knowledge given to them, senior employees actively convey it and strive to create an environment where mutual respect is created and a positive influence is created. After the study sessions, we also hold a free participation dinner party to deepen the friendship among employees.

Example content of internal study sessions

  • Courses on improving communication skills and study methods
    • Public speaking tips
    • How to study efficiently
    • How to raise motivation
  • Basics of cloud technology with a focus on AWS
  • Study sessions on NW for beginners
  • SAP study sessions
  • Study sessions on server infrastructure/PCs and operating systems, etc.

Career path

Career paths are set up so that you can realise the career you are aiming for, according to your aspirations and aptitudes. You can aim to become a specialist, as an engineer, or a manager, as an administrator.
We have introduced a target management system to share information on career, knowledge and skills, qualifications, etc. that the company can support, and we systematically rotate employees over a four-year period so that they can broaden their perspectives and gain experience. In addition, job specialists are created and dedicated exclusively to the implementation of specific jobs.